“No time for questions.. only trolling..”
― Telly
Telly is known as "the man inside the tv". He is the main opponent of the song Happy Smile and Trolling.
Telly appears as a tall, lanky creature with a black skeleton body and a white head. He has a twisted, demented smile and black, empty eyes.
In his Union form, he is possessed by Union, causing his body to distort and his face to melt into that of Union's.
Telly was well-known as a TV host and would have a variety of themes, ranging from talk shows to other sorts. He had a wife named Trishtan who was a scientist, and she would always accompany him to his shows and together, they would display new inventions and concepts.
Everything was nearly perfect, they had 2 children, one named Andrew, who was the older brother, and Beatrice, who was the younger sister. The supposed third child's status is unknown due to an unfortunate incident.
One day, Telly stared into his mirror and noticed an unfamiliar figure. Being the laid-back person he was, he approached this figure and had his entire perspective on life changed.
With this newfound knowledge, he openly and boldly shared it on his talk show. However, this resulted in him being mocked and labeled as deluded and insane. Because of this, his show was canceled, resulting in him losing his job.
Telly's wife Trishtan, who fully supported his theory, began working on a prototype of a substantially modified television to provide access to multi-dimensional signals to broadcast messages or even physical objects. However, during an attempt to teleport from one television to another in the laboratory, a power outage occurred, causing Trishtan to supposedly die mid-process.
Due to Trishtan's supposed death, Telly never mentally recovered and he descended into madness, even neglecting the existence of his son. He spent months in the laboratory locked away, only to emerge completely changed. His daughter was constantly bullied at school, resulting in her taking her own life, and his son disappeared.[1]
- Telly was intended to have 6 songs in the mod, those being Happy Smile, Taped Memories, Missing Signal, The Bridge, Trolling, and Proditiophobia.
- Telly loves to act as a father figure to anyone under the age of 20.
- Telly treats Boyfriend as one of his own and isn't there to cause harm to him.
- Later in the mod, it was intended for Telly to suffer in anguish as his face distorts due to Union possessing him.
- Telly made an unknown deal with Union, not knowing he is just being used.
- Telly uses the soul of each trollge Boyfriend was intended to face in the mod to power up a machine.
- Unknowingly, Telly is helping Union empower themselves by powering this machine.
Static idle
Left pose
Down pose
Up pose
Right pose
Static left pose
Static down pose
Static up pose
Static right pose
Controlled static left pose
Neutral icon
Losing icon
Static losing icon
An unused image of Telly's face.
“Stay away from me... and everyone will be ok...”
― Loner
Loner is the main opponent of the song Loneliness. After rap battling Boyfriend in the mod, he fades away.
Loner resembles Telly in appearance, with a black skeleton-like body and a white head. They are, however, significantly shorter and have a rounder head with a sad smile.
Loner had been alone from infancy; their mother died while giving birth to them, and their father never appeared. No one would come to adopt them, and they had no friends. Everyone seemed to want to get as far away from them as they could.
One day, they were crossing the street to get some groceries when a car suddenly struck them at full speed. No one came to aid, instead laughing while holding their cellphones. It was then and there that Loner died.
Never once had they received a hug or spoken to someone who cared. Their life was meaningless and pointless. But something inside them pulled them awake, the promise of having a friend. When they awoke, their body had been thrown in a dumpster.
They walked through the city and tried to talk to some homeless people for company, but the people would rip their faces off or end their lives the moment they lay eyes on Loner.
Since then, anyone that saw them would end their lives on the spot. Because of this, Loner hid themselves in a dark tunnel, embracing loneliness as they can't seem to die.[1]
- Loner was intended to have 4 songs, those being Loneliness, Monophobia, Fuji no Kodoku, and Sorry.
- After rap battling Boyfriend, the player was intended to be given the option to befriend Loner. Upon doing so, Loner would become happy and turn to dust, passing away.
- Despite being a Trollge, Loner's face seems to be based on the Forever Alone meme.
Static idle
Left pose
Down pose
Up pose
Right pose
Static left pose
Static down pose
Static up pose
Static right pose
Unshaded left pose
Unshaded down pose
Unshaded up pose
Unshaded right pose
Static unshaded left pose
Static neutral icon
Losing icon
A phase concept for Loner
“Stop looking at me...”
― Peeker
Peeker is known as the stalker and "mind stalker" trollge. He is the main opponent of the song Scopophobia.
Peeker resembles Telly in appearance, with a black, skeleton-like body and a huge, toothy smile. They are, however, slightly taller and without a nose. They are somewhat hunched over, and in their eye form, an eye with a yellow iris appears in their mouth.
Peeker's descent into madness was caused by a man who would terrorize him every night by staring into his window during his childhood. Peeker's parents, being neglectful and unwilling to deal with it, decided to just drug Peeker with medication.
Due to the resulting sleep deprivation and sluggish reflexes, Peeker was bullied at school and people would record pranks they pulled on him.
Eventually, this led to Peeker getting enjoyment out of recording people experiencing strong emotions and would post them online as he got older, even making a business out of it. It got to the point where he made a series of people ending their own lives or documenting their descent into schizophrenia and other mental dilemmas.
One day, Peeker was found burnt to a crisp and hanging from wires in his stream lab, the cause of death being an electrical malfunction. [1]
- Peeker was intended to have 2 songs in the mod, those being Scopophobia, and Full Angle.
Static idle
Left pose
Down pose
Up pose
Right pose
Static left pose
Down pose
Up pose
Right pose
Static transition
Static idle (2)
Left pose (2)
Down pose (2)
Up pose (2)
Right pose (2)
Static left pose (2)
Static down pose (2)
Static up pose (2)
Static right pose (2)
Neutral icon
Static losing icon
Unused jumpscare
An unused image of Peeker's face