The Movie Hip Hop-Eration (2014)

1. Hip Hop-eration | Official Website | You're never too old to go on the ...

  • A wonderfully warm and energetic Kiwi adventure. Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of courageous, yet cheeky, senior citizens on an extraordinary quest to ...

  • A wonderfully warm and energetic Kiwi adventure. Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of courageous, yet cheeky, senior citizens on an extraordinary quest to perform at the World Hip Hop Championships in Las Vegas. Hip Hop-eration is a poetic feel-good film that proves age has no limits and that hip hop can set you free. It will make you want to celebrate life regardless of age or condition.

Hip Hop-eration | Official Website | You're never too old to go on the ...

2. Hip Hop-eration - New Zealand Film Commission

  • Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of courageous, yet cheeky, senior citizens on an extraordinary quest to perform at the World Hip Hop Championships in Las Vegas ...

  • Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of courageous, yet cheeky, senior citizens on an extraordinary quest to perform at the World Hip Hop Championships in Las Vegas. Hip Hop-eration is a poetic feel-good documentary film that proves age has no limits and that hip hop can set you free. It is an inspirational self-help journey for anyone fearful of growing old.

Hip Hop-eration - New Zealand Film Commission

3. Hip Hop-eration (2014) | IDFA Archive

  • Bevat niet: movie | Resultaten tonen met:movie

  • Een groep van dertig bejaarden en hoogbejaarden – de oudste is 96 – bereidt zich op een klein eilandje voor de kust van Nieuw-Zeeland voor op de wereldkampioenschappen hiphopdansen in Las Vegas. Onder de bezielende leiding van manager Billie Jordan, die nog voordat ze zich voor de wedstrijd hebben geplaatst al overtuigd is dat de reis naar Vegas doorgaat: “Jullie gaan allemaal mee, al is het in een urn.” Geen rolstoel of kunstheup mag ze tegenhouden. Wat Jordan bezielt, zegt ze in een interview, weet ze zelf ook niet. Nog meer dan bij de repetities kijkt regisseur Bryn Evans bij een paar van de hiphop-senioren thuis. Daar vertellen ze wat ze van hiphop vinden: “De bewegingen vind ik leuk, maar ik ben niet zo dol op de muziek.” Over hun verleden: een van hen was vroeger een bekende vredesactiviste, die te voet de VS doorkruiste. En over het heden, dat voor sommigen drempels opwerpt om de grote reis te maken: een dementerende echtgenoot, last van het gebit, een dokter die het verbiedt. Anderen zijn vastbesloten: “Ik heb altijd al dansend willen sterven.” Het publiek in Vegas zal in ieder geval iets compleet nieuws voorgeschoteld krijgen.

Hip Hop-eration (2014) | IDFA Archive

4. Hip Hop-eration | Rotten Tomatoes

  • This hip hop crew of senior citizens live on Waiheke Island, New Zealand. Their goal? To make it to the World Hip Hop Dance Championships.

  • Senior citizens defy the odds to compete in the Las Vegas World Hip Hop Dance Championships.

Hip Hop-eration | Rotten Tomatoes

5. Hip Hop-eration (2014) | IDFA Archive

  • Bevat niet: movie | Resultaten tonen met:movie

  • A group of 30 senior citizens, the oldest of whom is 96, are preparing on a small island off the coast of New Zealand for the World Hip-Hop Dance Championship in Las Vegas. They are under the inspirational leadership of manager Billie Jordan, who is convinced even before they have qualified for the championship that the trip to Vegas is a certainty: “You’re all going, even if it’s in an urn.” Wheelchairs and artificial hips are no excuse. Jordan admits in an interview that even she doesn’t know where her fervor comes from. Instead of focusing on the rehearsals, director Bryn Evans concentrates on a few of the hip-hop seniors at home, where they talk about what they think of hip-hop: “I like the movement of it, but I’m not too keen on the music.” And about their pasts: one of them was a well-known peace activist who crossed the United States on foot. And about the present, which for some of them presents obstacles to the big trip: such as a partner with dementia, problems with dentures, a doctor who expressly forbids it. Others are more resolute: “I’ve always wanted to die dancing.” One thing’s for sure: the audience in Vegas will see something they’ve never seen before.

Hip Hop-eration (2014) | IDFA Archive

6. Hip Hop-eration | Film | NZ On Screen

  • Hip Hop-eration chronicles a mission to bust some moves, and show that ageing need not be a barrier to joy. The stars of this documentary are a group of self- ...

  • Hip Hop-eration - Hip Hop-eration chronicles a mission to bust some moves, and show that ageing need not be a barrier to joy. The stars of this documentary are a group of self-deprecating, young at heart Waiheke Islanders — some in their 90s — who head to Las Vegas to perform at the 2013 World Hip Hop Championships. Billie Jordan is the crew's inspirational leader. Hip Hop-eration won Moa Awards for Best Documentary and Bryn Evans' direction, plus acclaim from Metro, The Dominion Post and The NZ Herald's Francesca Rudkin; Rudkin called the film heartwarming: "full of laughs, colourful characters and Kiwi attitude".

Hip Hop-eration | Film | NZ On Screen

7. Documentary Review: “Hip Hop-eration” (2014)

  • 12 mrt 2016 · Documentary Review: “Hip Hop-eration” (2014) ... It happens to be that many think once you get old you can't contribute much to society. All what ...

  • It happens to be that many think once you get old you can't contribute much to society. All what you have to do is to go to a retirement house and wait for your time to come. But the thing is that it is a false statement and could never…

Documentary Review: “Hip Hop-eration” (2014)

8. Hip Hop-eration | Where to watch streaming and online in the UK

  • Hip Hop-eration · Directed by Bryn Evans · 87% · Comedy · Documentary.

  • How to watch online, stream, rent or buy Hip Hop-eration in the UK + release dates, reviews and trailers. A feel-good documentary following the journey of elderly Kiwis training to compete in the World Hip-Hop Championships in Las Vegas.

Hip Hop-eration | Where to watch streaming and online in the UK

9. Screenings | Hip Hop-eration

  • A wonderfully warm and energetic Kiwi adventure. Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of courageous, yet cheeky, senior citizens on an extraordinary quest to ...

  • A wonderfully warm and energetic Kiwi adventure. Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of courageous, yet cheeky, senior citizens on an extraordinary quest to perform at the World Hip Hop Championships in Las Vegas. Hip Hop-eration is a poetic feel-good film that proves age has no limits and that hip hop can set you free. It will make you want to celebrate life regardless of age or condition.

Screenings | Hip Hop-eration

10. Hip Hop-eration (2014) directed by Bryn Evans • Reviews, film + cast

  • A movie from your country. A documentary about a hip-hop dance crew with members that are between 80-95 years old. Yes please! Watch for some mean warm ...

  • These senior citizens may each be almost a century young, but for Kara, (94) Maynie (95) and Terri (93) the journey to Las Vegas and the World Hip Hop Dance Championships is just the beginning of a life's journey. And along with twenty-seven other nonagenarians they defy the odds and hip-hop their way into the hearts and minds of thousands of young fans from around the world. Led by their exuberant and 'I must have been mad,' manager Billie Jordan they learn to throw away their wheelchairs and walking sticks and push their bodies and artificial joints to the absolute limits of old age.

Hip Hop-eration (2014) directed by Bryn Evans • Reviews, film + cast
The Movie Hip Hop-Eration (2014)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.